Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Boycott products?? Again??


YES! Why not?!? Boycotting products that have connections to Israel (which has direct links to USA) should be an on-going process. It is not a seasonal ‘activity’. For how long you may ask? For as long as it takes! As a Muslim with Iman and Taqwa, the boycott should be FOREVER! The Jew will not stop to oppose, trick, annihilate and discriminate Muslims all over the world till the arrival of the Day of Judgement. That means till the end of time!

In surah Baqarah, verse 120, Allah mentioned that:_

“And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor will the Christians, till you follow their creed. Say: Lo! The Guidance of Allah is (the real) Guidance. And if you should follow their (Jews & Christians) desires after the knowledge which has come to you, then you will find in Allah no protection nor help!”


THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO BOYCOTT! United States of America has been a major ‘buddy’ to the Israel government since their illegal establishment in Palestine after World War II. We know that USA has been assisting Israel in financial, technological, political and all other aspects. Now, everybody also realizes that US of A’s economy has been slumping and going downhills since the 3rd quarter of 2008 (actually, it started earlier than that). Although they are still holding on from a complete depression, they no longer have the materials and resources to act as the ‘world police’. Actually, to make it frank, the States can no longer support Israel as they would before they were hit by the economy crisis. Same goes for the United Kingdom. They are evidently silent as they tend to their economical ‘wounds’. Their ever-proud Pound Sterling has already decreased in value.


War and mobilization of army forces requires a lot of money. Israel, the greatest thieving and bustard (<--- substitute the u with an a) nation is waging another battle against the Palestinians (it is a battle, not a war as the war against the Jews already started a long time ago). If we Muslims band together to reject commercial products from both Israel and USA, we can deepen their wound. We can actually TEACH them a LESSON.

Of course, boycotting is just merely one of the things that we can do in our Jihad. Perhaps other means of Jihad will be covered in other postings. At the mean time please, make supplication (doa’) for our brothers and sisters in Palestine and all over the world especially during prostration (sujud). Insya Allah. ISLAM WILL EVENTUALLY WIN!

1 comment:

  1. sumer muslim skrg lemah bila ckp pasal boikot brg yg slalu d gunakn...

    sape brani ngaku die x penah mkn maggi ngan kit kat?? coca cola???

    xde sorg pon nk ngaku sbb bnde2 ni dh jd drh daging kter...
