Wednesday, January 21, 2009

USELESS sugar!

On 20th January I’ve attended a short workshop on “The Danger of Sugar” by Consumer Association Penang (CAP). The followings are some facts that you might find useful and interesting, especially on the USELESS SUGAR.

There are 3 types of sugar; processed sugar, natural sugar and blood sugar.

Processed sugar, specifically the white sugar produced by the industries, IS the what we call- USELESS SUGAR. The normal misconception is that this type of sugar is essential for our body to generate energy. This is totally wrong! White sugar has ZERO nutrition, I repeat, ZERO! It does nothing but only adds sweetness, making our food tasting delicious.

Getting a bit confused and flabbergasted? Here’s the thing. Insulin in our body that converts sugar in blood into energy, cannot process, or in other words, cannot convert the white sugar into energy as it contains no nutrient. But white sugar is still sugar! Thus, these useless sugars are still required to be disposed off from our blood. Lack of insulin and insulin immunization will cause excess of sugar to be present in our blood and thus causes diabetes.

The REAL sugar that is needed for energy is the natural sugar. Example of food that contains this type of sugar is rice, bread, vegetables (yes veggies), fruits etc. As the word itself implies, natural sugar usually comes from natural sources.

Blood sugar is simply the sugar in our blood. A normal person should have 3, 4 or 5 sugar level indicator in his blood.

Male only needs 60ml (12 teaspoons of sugar) per day, women needs only 50ml (10 teaspoons of sugar).

Processed sugar (white sugar) is just another creation by men. Long long time ago, people only consumes natural sugar. Processed sugar is actually not needed at all!

Artificial sugar and saccharine is dangerous to our health. DO NOT CONSUME AT ALL COST! It can cause cancer in a long term.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kenapa Hamas tolak gencatan senjata

Assalamu'alaikum brothers and sisters.

I didn't write the following article; I've simply 'copy paste' it from an email that I received from a friend. All credits to the article writer for his great inputs. May Allah grants strength, victory and persistence to the Palestinian people. Allahu Akbar! Read on...

Ikhwah-akhawat terutama mereka yang terjun ke tengah masyarakat menjelaskan isu Gaza. Ada satu isu yang harus (wajib) dijelaskan tentang pendirian Hamas terhadap gesaan gencatan senjata oleh PBB. Majlis keselamatan yang bersidang telah meluluskan resolusi 1860 dengan sokongan 14-0 (Amerika abstain - tidak mengundi) iaitu kedua-dua pihak Isreal dan Hamas menghentikan serangan.

Khaled Meshal dengan tegas menyatakan pendirian Hamas untuk menolak syarat-syarat gencatan senjata.

No 1. Kita kena bagitau Hamas tidak menolak gencatan senjata tetapi syarat-syarat gencatan senjata. Ini untuk menolak dakwaan Hamas tidak berminat untuk mengwujudkan keamanan dan menjamin keselamatan orang awam.

No 2. Hamas bersedia untuk menghentikan serangan roket seperti yang dikehendaki oleh resolusi 1860 apabila Israel mengundurkan tenteranya dari Gaza dan membuka semua sempadan dan pintu masuk ke Gaza (termasuk sempadan Rafah di Mesir). Inilah punca kepada penentangan Hamas dan rakyat Palestin. Jangan lupa Gaza terkepung sejak 18 bulan lalu sehingga mencetuskan tragedi kemanusiaan yang dahsyat.

No 3. Menerima syarat gencatan senjata yang diluluskan oleh PBB bererti balik kepada status qou iaitu kembali kepada kepungan. Gaza akan terus dicengkam oleh krisis kemanusiaan yang parah.. Ini yg disebut oleh Dr Yusuf Qardhawi rakyat Gaza ada 2 pilihan ; 'samada mati perlahan-lahan akibat kebuluran atau mati dengan segera akibat pengebuman'. Jangan kita biarkan saudara kita tersepit di antara dua pilihan tidak menasabah ini.

No. 4. Israel sendiri menolak gesaan gencatan senjata ini. Jadi jangan fokus kepada Hamas tetapi fokus kepada Israel yang merupakan pihak penyerang.

No. 5. Israel selamanya tidak akan tunduk kepada tekanan antarabangsa termasuk resolusi PBB. Setelah mereka tidak mengendahkan lebih dari 80 resolusi majlis keselamatan sejak 1948, apakah mereka akan menerima dan menghormati resolusi terbaru dari PBB?

No. 6. Syarat gencatan senjata juga yang menghendaki kehadiran tentera asing ditolak oleh HAMAS. Ingat jika OIC berjaya mendapat kelulusan untuk hantar tentera pengaman ianya akan ditolak oleh Israel. israel yang akan memutuskan tentera negara mana yang dibenarkan untuk menjadi pasukan pengaman di gaza. apa yang akan berlaku pasukan pengaman ini hanya akan memastikan keselamatan israel dan 'security' Israel untuk terus mengepung dan menduduki Gaza. Sedang pejuang Palestin akan dilumpuhkan, dilucutkan senjata, dihalang dari membentuk pertahanan. Akhirnya Isreal bebas untuk melakukan apa sahaja ke atas wilayah Gaza tanpa sebarang penentangan dari pejuang palestin.

Sekian. Bersedialah untuk menjadi jurucakap Hamas, Jangan biarkan media mempengaruhi pandangan umum masyarakat untuk terus menuduh Hamas sebagai punca kepada apa yang berlaku di Gaza.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tips on job interviews

Interview?? ARRGHH! I'm not the type that likes to be interviewed. However, interviews are the quickest and simplest method in evaluating 'potential's in order to employ workers. It may not be the best way, but it is also a great chance for job seekers (especially students) to reveal their skills and 'convince' their would be employers.

I have been to nearly 20 job interviews. It is not a huge amount, but it is a safe number that I feel confident enough to make a posting about this topic. Below are some tips & relevent inputs from me. It is very useful to fresh graduates (note: please read this article my students!) instead of senior & experienced people.

1. There is no fixed pattern/protocol/procedure for an interview. Each and every company or interviewer, even different departments within the same organization, has their own targets, standards and demands. You may face a very easy interview or a very hard, pressured and annoying one. So always be prepared for the worst!

2. The most vital thing in an interview is your communication skills. No matter how knowledgeable you are, if you can't speak up and convince your interviewers, you're done. A large number of people actually got employed not because of their academic excellences, but only because they can communicate effectively and create an interesting atmosphere around their personality in a short period of time during the interview.

3. Confidence. Do you expect a company will trust and hand over machineries to you if you can't even be confident enough to express yourself or share your knowledge? Speak with calm and with motivation. It is not that hard.

4. Only mention things that will help you in your interview. For example, if the interviewer asks you to tell about your background, focus directly on your academic & co-curriculum achievements. Do not waste time on irrelevent topics such as your number of siblings, your place of birth etc.

5. Identify your strong and weakness points. Try to show your advantages over other normal people. Tell them what you are capable of, but don't go too far to boast yourself. Don't be afraid to state a few of your weaknesses if it was asked for, but always cover them up with motivational steps to remedy them.

6. Show some flair/charisma. I believe that these skills do not necessarily come naturally. You can actually develop your sphere of influence through the way you speak and react. You can easily attract attention if you can get this right, if you want to...

7. Do some background studies on the company. This is a bonus.

8. Show patience. Sometimes you WILL be deliberately tested for your pressure handling skills. Don't lose control of yourself. Keep trying and if you're really are at a dead end, apologize politely.

9. Finally, prepare, prepare, prepare. Preparation is your best friend. Prepare smartly, not blindly. Make a strategy and practice on it.

10. Make supplications (doa') and put your trust in God. It is Allah that gives you everything, and it is Allah that will rise or lower your position.

Boycott products?? Again??


YES! Why not?!? Boycotting products that have connections to Israel (which has direct links to USA) should be an on-going process. It is not a seasonal ‘activity’. For how long you may ask? For as long as it takes! As a Muslim with Iman and Taqwa, the boycott should be FOREVER! The Jew will not stop to oppose, trick, annihilate and discriminate Muslims all over the world till the arrival of the Day of Judgement. That means till the end of time!

In surah Baqarah, verse 120, Allah mentioned that:_

“And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor will the Christians, till you follow their creed. Say: Lo! The Guidance of Allah is (the real) Guidance. And if you should follow their (Jews & Christians) desires after the knowledge which has come to you, then you will find in Allah no protection nor help!”


THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO BOYCOTT! United States of America has been a major ‘buddy’ to the Israel government since their illegal establishment in Palestine after World War II. We know that USA has been assisting Israel in financial, technological, political and all other aspects. Now, everybody also realizes that US of A’s economy has been slumping and going downhills since the 3rd quarter of 2008 (actually, it started earlier than that). Although they are still holding on from a complete depression, they no longer have the materials and resources to act as the ‘world police’. Actually, to make it frank, the States can no longer support Israel as they would before they were hit by the economy crisis. Same goes for the United Kingdom. They are evidently silent as they tend to their economical ‘wounds’. Their ever-proud Pound Sterling has already decreased in value.


War and mobilization of army forces requires a lot of money. Israel, the greatest thieving and bustard (<--- substitute the u with an a) nation is waging another battle against the Palestinians (it is a battle, not a war as the war against the Jews already started a long time ago). If we Muslims band together to reject commercial products from both Israel and USA, we can deepen their wound. We can actually TEACH them a LESSON.

Of course, boycotting is just merely one of the things that we can do in our Jihad. Perhaps other means of Jihad will be covered in other postings. At the mean time please, make supplication (doa’) for our brothers and sisters in Palestine and all over the world especially during prostration (sujud). Insya Allah. ISLAM WILL EVENTUALLY WIN!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The meaning of BER

BER stands for Bit Error Rate, which means the amount of bit errors accumulated in our signal within a period of time. To make things a little clearer, bit error means that the received data becomes '1' instead of '0' (the original transmitted data) or vice versa.

For example, our handphone transmits 1111111111 (10 bits of data) but the Base Transceiver Station (BTS/RBS) instead receives 1111011111 (same 10 bits of data). Thus, the resulting BER is 1/10 and is usually stated as BER 10e-1 (or sometimes pronounced as BER minus 1). In short, the system suffers 1 corrupted bit out of 10 transmitted bits.

Usually the standard BER range used by telecommunication companies (telecos) and vendors are:_

10e-3 = 1 bit error out of 1000 bits
10e-6 = 1 bit error out of 1 million bits
10e-9 = 1/1000000000 bit error

Hence, BER minus 3 suffers worse error than BER minus 9, not the other way round! Don't get it mixed up!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pengiraan download rate yang betul

Contoh yang paling mudah: Streamyx (sebab korang rajin download kan..)

Package streamyx yang diwar-warkan TM ialah dalam Mbps (megabit per second) atau kbps (kilobit per second) seperti:_
4Mbps, 2Mbps, 1Mbps, 512kbps

Bila download daripada internet, selalunya ratenya ialah dalam kBps atau KBps (kiloBYTE per second)

1 Byte = 8 bit

Jadi package 512kbps/8 = 64kBps
Tahap nominal (70% efficiency) = 70% * 512 = 44.8KBps

Jadi kalau guna package 512Kbps, download speed 40kBps kira dah laju la tu...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Cara jimatkan air

Jimat air: Tandas jenis 'flush'

Kurangkan penggunaan air dengan meletakkan benda2 solid dalam tangki air tandas jenis flush. Contohnya letak botol berisi air dalam tangki tersebut untuk kurangkan isipadu air yang disimpan dalam tangki.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

For You, Me and Everybody

Assalamu'alaikum and greetings fellow friends and visitors!

This is my personal blog that I am maintaining in order to share my views and knowledge that I have gained throughout my short life, and it is indeed still a long long way ahead!

I intend to mix English and bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa pengantar in this web. I do not intend to make 'rojak' of the language, but I use it as a mean of easing my explanation and making it sound more 'mesra' to the masses.

My English is nowhere near great, nor am I eloquent enough. But lo! I believe that by practicing and daring to face mistakes, you can improve yourself bit by bit till you succeed in your life.

Have a good day and read on! Thank you. Wassalam.

p/s: I am in love with qirmumtaz